A high school friend named Jana Curll looked me up to do some photo reproduction of her art work.

Loosing contact as one does I never knew she was such an artist back in high school. Her work is amazing.
I on the other hand had to pull out the old Camera Gear and jury-rig up a studio in the living room to capture her work. It was the first time I had really shot something in over a year. It was fun to get back into the photo groove if only for a morning.
She is having a show at the Gumboot Garden Cafe for the month of July. I’d certainly check it out.
I then met up with another artist type friend. Dan Sullivan (better known as exploding Haggis) who in comparison I have only known for two years and we off to enjoy a bike ride around Gibsons.
I didn’t really start feeling old until I realized that it was Elphiphstone Secondary Grad Night and both myself and Jana graduated in the same gym some 15 years ago.
This is when I really started to feel old. Lucky Dan showed up. I asked if we could jet, before I break a hip and my false teeth fall out.
On the way home I felt the entire day from start to finish was comprised of my past and how easily you are reminded of it.