Cute Story about my youngest nephew, a twenty dollar bill and The Queen. It happened on the on Christmas Morning when my nephew got a 20 dollar bill for spending money from his grandparents. It was so funny I had to write The Queen about it. We’ll pick from that point:
Dear Madam
On Christmas, I heard a story that was too priceless not to share with you.

My 7-year-old nephew, Oxford Andony was given a 20 Canadian dollar bill amongst other gifts.
He came to me, and I pointed at the Vimy Ridge Memorial that is on one side and said, “That’s Vimy Ridge, Uncle Robert saw that when he was in Europe, so did Grandma and Grand-dad when they visited last year.”
My nephew Oxford then turned over the 20 Dollar Bill and said:
“Do you know who that is?”
I replied, “Who?” trying to get him to answer.
He pointed at your portrait on our money and said:
“That’s Money Grandma.”
“Who?” I replied.
“Money Grandma… She’s a grandma, and she’s on the money. She is Money Grandma.”

He said this in the most endearing way as a sign of affection.
I gave a little chuckle and then he said:
“Money Grandma is rad.”
He then saw a Canadian Dollar coin, affectionately called a Loonie to us Canadians, and said,
“look, more Money Grandma.”
So the saying goes “Out of the mouth of babes” We all thought it was very cute. I am sure this will be remembered in our family for years to come and thought you would enjoy this anecdote as well.
I’ve never sent a letter to The Queen. I wonder how you do that? … Well, it’s pretty easy. But it has to be a written letter.
I sent it off wondering if the story would get to her, being a grandparent and great grandparent she must have had similar experiences… I wonder if she would find it funny. I wonder if it even made it… Three months went by and then while my nephews were visiting. My mother said,
“Did you ever hear from Buckingham Palace?”

I said no I haven’t, not yet, maybe it was lost in the mail. But it’s a cute story I may blog about if I never hear back.
The day the nephews left I check the mail and BOOM I find a letter in the mail post marked EIIR Buckingham Palace.
I thought it would be a form letter or something thanking me for my letter. But no it was a personalized letter from her Lady-in-Waiting Philippa de Pass. Spelling mistake and all, (the spelling mistake makes it more authentic), see below for full copy.
I am going save this letter and present it to Oxford next time I see him. I really do hope The Queen had a good laugh as we did, and this will just one of many family stories for years to come.