Dear Apple and the National Parks Service. I recently had a conversation about the new OSX called Yosemite with a fellow web developer Paul Clark.
PC: Because @10up is distributed, Yosemite is my office today. We’re hiring. #php #css #js #WordPress
RD: You weren’t looking for the OS were you?
PC: Rode through without a windshield. Still working out the bugs.
RD: I am just glad you didn’t crash exploring the new OS…
PC: I was surprised it was on a drive. Thought they switched to cloud distribution.
RD: But I bet it was a swift ride!
PC: Now that you mention it, the Dashboard did say I was going pretty fast.
RD: Was it a test drive?
PC: All good things have to come to and end. I heard from my Notification Center.
You can read our conversation here… It was totally geeky on the fly and a little silly fun on a Wednesday Night
ps. No… neither of us work for Apple or the National Parks Service.