When I first met Rebecca Coleman at Northern Voice 2011 I though she was a quite intelligent about social media. I felt after her presentation that she totally got it and by “it” I mean the confusion world of internet, branding, marketing and social media.
After Northern Voice we followed each other on twitter and have since traded some business contacts and gotten to know each other pretty well.
I wrote a guest blog for her blog on how to find a good web developer. She has invited me to speak to her marketing class about the important difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org which has confused more than a few people.
But she has this amazing talent that not maybe people have to both completely understand social media and the ability to teach it as well.
Her enthusiasm for social media and blogging is infectious…
I also get asked a lot of questions from small business owners like:
- Why join Facebook
- What is Twitter
- What will all this social media do for me?
- Is it all a waste of time?
After reading Rebecca’s latest book. Getting Started With Social Media For Small Businesses She really answers all of the questions above and a whole lot more…

I rarely use this blog to promote a business or a product. The last one was my Fuji X10 Camera which I still enjoy to this day.
But after reading this book everyone who asked me about social media I will refer them to her book. Yup it is that good.
Full disclosure: I am getting a small referral from each sale of Rebecca’s Book. But I would be promoting it regardless of any referral.